Announcing RenewalTracking

May 19, 2023

Business people tracking stuff on a piece of paper

Announcing RenewalTracking!

RenewalTracking is a powerful solution tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses, whether they are small startups or well-established enterprises. Our tool offers a range of features to simplify the management of recurring items, ensuring that critical deadlines are never missed.

What is RenewalTracking? 

Centralized Dashboard Forget about scattered spreadsheets, sticky notes, and calendar events. RenewalTracking provides a single, user-friendly dashboard where you can manage all your renewals, certificates, licenses, and leases. Gain a comprehensive overview of your recurring items and effortlessly stay organized and in control.

Automated Reminders Manual tracking is a thing of the past. RenewalTracking sends automated reminders well in advance of each renewal deadline, giving you ample time to take necessary action. Say goodbye to last-minute rushes and unexpected surprises. Stay on top of your renewals effortlessly.

Customizable Notifications Tailor notifications to suit your unique preferences and workflows. RenewalTracking allows you to receive reminders via email and seamlessly integrates with Slack, ensuring you stay connected and informed in a way that best suits you and your team.

Enhanced Accountability Managing renewals often involves multiple stakeholders across various departments. RenewalTracking simplifies accountability by clearly defining the owner of each item, the responsible party for renewal, and the end-users. Ensure smooth coordination and eliminate confusion.

Survey Satisfaction Unsure if your team is fully utilizing a particular software or if it's the right fit? RenewalTracking's embedded and customizable survey feature allows you to continuously monitor satisfaction levels for the items you track. Additionally, if a user no longer utilizes the tool, RenewalTracking provides guidance to help you rationalize your spend effectively.

Detailed Reporting Gain valuable insights into your recurring items with RenewalTracking's comprehensive reporting features. Generate detailed reports to analyze trends, identify cost-saving opportunities, and optimize your renewal strategies. Make informed decisions and keep your business operations efficient and cost-effective.

Don't let important renewals slip through the cracks. Avoid negotiating last-minute with your back against the wall. Track and control all your renewals with RenewalTracking and experience a smoother and more efficient approach to managing recurring items.

RenewalTracking is the ideal solution for businesses seeking to simplify and streamline the management of recurring items. With its intuitive interface, automated reminders, customizable notifications, enhanced accountability, and robust reporting capabilities, our tool empowers you to stay organized, eliminate missed deadlines, and enhance efficiency across your organization.

Let’s get started

Control and track your renewals, never miss an expiry, start using RenewalTracking today!